Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Typical Slope Meals

Yes, it IS challenging to eat healthy on the North Slope with so many temptations so don't beat yourself up if you slip up at work. Staying focused, knowing your outcome, having a VISION BOARD, having your goals written down (and reviewing regularly), WILL keep you on track.

This is a typical daily menu for ME at work on the North Slope. This is not ideal and a person needs to VARY their protein sources, but I do what I can up here with limited resources and time. Plus I tend to be lazy, so this is easy for me and I actually find these meals to be pretty tasty!

*Mind you, I am FANATICAL about my nutrition so this is NOT for beginners. I do allow myself PLANNED treats if I want.

Meal 1 (Pre Workout)
Muesli (hot cereal)
½ banana
Tuna cup or salmon
Tomatoes (or other vegetable)

Meal 2 (Post Workout: within 30 minutes of training)
1 scoop whey isolate protein
Non Fat Milk
½ banana

Meal 3
Nonfat cottage cheese, sunflower seeds, pineapple or apple
½ sweet potato or brown rice (I bring from home) or sometimes 12 grain toast (dry or I make into a tomato sandwich

Meal 4
Chopped chicken, celery (about one cup total)
1/4 cup brown rice
1 C vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, or beets)
Orange or graperfruit

Meal 5
Natural beef low fat jerky (2 oz)
1 C vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, or beets)
½ sweet potato with olive oil
Small whey protein bar and a small piece of fruit

Meal 6
Reduced fat milk with 1 scoop of whey or rice protein.

A healthy body is created one meal at a time.

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